ALL PuBlications

University of Computer Studies, Mandalay


Su Su Aung  | Zin Mar Kyu


Background subtraction method is widely used in most of the video motion detection algorithms especially for video surveillance application. Background subtraction is used to extract moving or static foreground objects from the background scene. The efficiency of foreground-background segmentation heavily relies on background model which must be able to cope with changes in the scene and granularity of the foreground objects. The robust background model can produce good foreground segmentation results and it is still a great challenge to get accurate and high performance result today. In this paper, a video foreground-background segmentation approach is proposed. This approach is based on Codebook (CB) model with Kalman Filter. This approach can be used to extract foreground objects from the video stream. The Lab color space is used in this approach to calculate color difference between two pixels using CIEDE2000 color difference formula. Extracted foreground object from video sequence using this approach is useful for object detection in video surveillance applications. This approach has been tested with PETS and CDnet2014 datasets and segmentation results accuracy are evaluated compare with ground truth.

Date: 28th – 29th July, 2017, | IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC’17), Karunya, India. pp. 332-336| Weblink

Su Su Aung  | Zin Mar Kyu


Foreground object extraction is an important subject for computer vision applications. The separation of foreground objects form the background is the crucial step in application such as video surveillance. In order to extract foreground object from a video scene, a background model which can represent dynamic changes in the scene is required. A robust, accurate and high performance approach is still a great challenge today. In this paper, the background modeling approach based on Codebook model with Kalman Filter is presented. This approach can be used to extract foreground objects from the video stream. The Lab color space is used in this approach to calculate color difference between two pixels using CIEDE2000 color difference formula. extracted foreground object from video sequence using this approach is useful for object detection in video surveillance applications.

Date: 16th – 17th February, 2017 | 15th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA 2017), Yangon, Myanmar, pp. 312-317| Weblink

Si Si Mar Win | Hnin Mya Aye


Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) provides a platform where mobile users make use of cloud services on mobile devices. The use of mobile clouds in educational settings can provide great opportunities for students as well as researchers to improve their learning outcomes and minimizes the performance, compatibility, and lack of resources issues in mobile computing environment. This paper proposed a MCC based learning model to create an effective learning environment for both the University and learners by integrating virtualized private cloud technology with two components, social networking and mobile learning applications. This model will construct by using High Performance Computing Cloud Toolkit Ezilla and ubiquitous mobile learning elements. It will evaluate by UTAUT based model and Quality of Experience (QoE).

Date: 5th February, 2015 |13th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA 2015) | Weblink

Si Si Mar Win  | Hnin Mya Aye


Real time communication applications including Mobile learning application can be integrated with other software applications into one platform and deployed in private clouds to reduce capital expenditure and lower overall costs of daily based maintenance and real estate required for computer  hardware. As a critical component of private clouds, virtualization may adversely affect a real time communication application running in virtual machines as the layer of virtualization on the physical server adds system overhead and contributes to capacity lose. Virtualization in the mobile can enable hardware to run with less memory and fewer chips, reducing costs and increasing energy efficiency as well. It also helps to address safety and security challenges, and reduces software development and porting costs. This study will investigate how to build an effective learning environment for both the University and learners by integrating the virtualization, private cloud technology and mobile learning applications.

Date: 26 th August, 2015 | 9thInternational Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing| Weblink

Si Si Mar Win  | Than Nwe Aung


Nowadays, text annotation plays an important role within real-time social media mining. Social media analysis provides actionable information to its users in times of natural disasters. This paper presents an approach to a real-time two layer text annotation system for social media stream to the domain of natural disasters. The proposed system annotates raw tweets from Twitter into two types such as Informative or Not Informative as first layer. And then it annotates again five information types based on Informative tweets only as second layer. Based on the first and second layer annotation results, this system provides the tweets with user desired informative type in real time. In this system, annotation is done at tweet level by using word and phrase level features with LibLinear classifier. All features are in the form of Ngram nature based on part of speech (POS) tag, Sentiment Lexicon and especially created Disaster Lexicon. The validation of this system is performed based on different disaster related datasets and new Myanmar_Earthquake_2016 dataset derived from Twitter. The annotated datasets generated from this work can also be used by interested research communities to study the social media natural disaster related research.

Date: 12th March, 2018 | Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Vol. 3, No. 2, 119-127 (2018)| Weblink

Si Si Mar Win  | Than Nwe Aung


Nowadays, text annotation plays an important role within real-time social media mining. Social media analysis provides actionable information to its users in times of natural disasters. This paper presents an approach to a real-time two layer text annotation system for social media stream to the domain of natural disasters. The proposed system annotates raw tweets from Twitter into two types such as Informative or Not Informative as first layer. And then it annotates again five information types based on Informative tweets only as second layer. Based on the first and second layer annotation results, this system provides the tweets with user desired informative type in real time. In this system, annotation is done at tweet level by using word and phrase level features with LibLinear classifier. All features are in the form of Ngram nature based on part of speech (POS) tag, Sentiment Lexicon and especially created Disaster Lexicon. The validation of this system is performed based on different disaster related datasets and new Myanmar_Earthquake_2016 dataset derived from Twitter. The annotated datasets generated from this work can also be used by interested research communities to study the social media natural disaster related research.

Date: 16th  February, 2017 | 15th International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2017)| Weblink

Si Si Mar Win  | Than Nwe Aung


Nowadays, text annotation plays an important role within real-time social media mining. Social media analysis provides actionable information to its users in times of natural disasters. This paper presents an approach to a real-time two layer text annotation system for social media stream to the domain of natural disasters. The proposed system annotates raw tweets from Twitter into two types such as Informative or Not Informative as first layer. And then it annotates again five information types based on Informative tweets only as second layer. Based on the first and second layer annotation results, this system provides the tweets with user desired informative type in real time. In this system, annotation is done at tweet level by using word and phrase level features with LibLinear classifier. All features are in the form of Ngram nature based on part of speech (POS) tag, Sentiment Lexicon and especially created Disaster Lexicon. The validation of this system is performed based on different disaster related datasets and new Myanmar_Earthquake_2016 dataset derived from Twitter. The annotated datasets generated from this work can also be used by interested research communities to study the social media natural disaster related research.

Date:  1st July, 2017 | International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing, Vol. 5, No. 3 (July 2017) 133–142

Si Si Mar Win  | Than Nwe Aung


Nowadays, text annotation plays an important role within real-time social media mining. Social media analysis provides actionable information to its users in times of natural disasters. This paper presents an approach to a real-time two layer text annotation system for social media stream to the domain of natural disasters. The proposed system annotates raw tweets from Twitter into two types such as Informative or Not Informative as first layer. And then it annotates again five information types based on Informative tweets only as second layer. Based on the first and second layer annotation results, this system provides the tweets with user desired informative type in real time. In this system, annotation is done at tweet level by using word and phrase level features with LibLinear classifier. All features are in the form of Ngram nature based on part of speech (POS) tag, Sentiment Lexicon and especially created Disaster Lexicon. The validation of this system is performed based on different disaster related datasets and new Myanmar_Earthquake_2016 dataset derived from Twitter. The annotated datasets generated from this work can also be used by interested research communities to study the social media natural disaster related research.

Date: 24th May, 2017 | IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS) | Weblink

Pyae Phyo Thu  |  Htwe Nu Win


The term virtual phone conversation system refers to the bidirectional Myanmar to Myanmar Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech translation system that runs in real-time on the mobile phones. With the used of Real-time Speech Recognizer and Real-time Speech Synthesizer, this bidirectional phone  conversation translation capability helps the dumb and the hearing impaired person to speak on the mobile phone like the normal person. In this paper, we will propose the framework of the system, its work flow, its applicable methodologies and its challenges.

Date: 1st February, 2015 |  13th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA 2015) | Weblink

Pyae Phyo Thu  |  Nwe Nwe


Due to the implicit traits embedded in tweets, handling figurative languages appear as the most trending topics in computational linguistics. While recognition of a single language is hard to capture, differentiating several languages at once is the most challenging task. To achieve this purpose, we employ a set of emotion-based features in order to individuate between humor, irony, sarcasm, satire and true. We use eight basic emotions excerpted from EmoLex supplement with tweets polarity. We apply these features in two datasets: balanced dataset (collected using hashtag-based approach) and class-imbalanced dataset (collected from streaming tweets). As a result, the model not only outperform a word-based baseline but also handle both balanced and class-imbalanced datasets in multi-figurative language detection.

Date: 1st  May, 2017 | In Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2017 IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on (pp. 209-214). IEEE  | Weblink

Pyae Phyo Thu  |   Than Nwe Aung


Recognition of satirical language in social multimedia outlets turns out to be a trending research area in computational linguistics. Many researchers have analyzed satirical language from the various point of views: lexically, syntactically, and semantically. However, due to the ironic dimension of emotion embedded in the language, emotional study of satirical language has ever left behind. This paper proposes the emotion-based detection system for satirical figurative language processing. These emotional features are extracted using emotion lexicon: EmoLex and sentiment lexicon: VADER. Ensemble bagging technique is used to tackle the problem of ambiguous nature of emotion. Experiments are carried out on both short text and long text configurations namely news articles, Amazon product reviews, and tweets. Recognition of satirical language can aid in lessening the impact of implicit language in public opinion mining, sentiment analysis, fake news detection and cyberbullying.

Date:   26-28th  June, 2017 | Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2017 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on (pp. 149-154). IEEE  | Weblink

Pyae Phyo Thu  |   Than Nwe Aung


Even though the various features of satirical language have been studied in computational linguistics, most of the research works have relied on the performance of the single machine learning algorithm. However, the implicit traits embedded in the language demand more certain, precise and accurate combination powers of an individual algorithm. In this study, we analyzed the performance of emotion-based satire detection model on various machine learning algorithms: Regression, Naïve Bayes, SVM and ensemble classifiers. Experiments on shifting base classifiers to ensemble classifiers demonstrate that ambiguous and implicit nature of satirical emotions can lead to the misclassification accuracy while implementing the base classifiers but, offer reliable classification accuracy with ensemble classifiers.

Date:   24th    October, 2017 Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE  | Weblink

Pyae Phyo Thu  |   Than Nwe Aung


Recognition of satirical language in social multimedia outlets turns out to be a trending research area in computational linguistics. Many researchers have analyzed satirical language from the various point of views: lexically, syntactically, and semantically. However, due to the ironic dimension of emotion embedded in the language, emotional study of satirical language has ever left behind. This paper proposes the emotion-based detection system for satirical figurative language processing. These emotional features are extracted using emotion lexicon: EmoLex and sentiment lexicon: VADER. Ensemble bagging technique is used to tackle the problem of ambiguous nature of emotion. Experiments are carried out on both short text and long text configurations namely news articles, Amazon product reviews, and tweets. Recognition of satirical language can aid in lessening the impact of implicit language in public opinion mining, sentiment analysis, fake news detection and cyberbullying.

Date:   30th April, 2018 | International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing (IJNDC), Vol. 6, No. 2 (April 2018), pp.78-87, ISSN: 2211-7946, DOI: doi:10.2991/ijndc.2018.6.2.3 | Weblink

Pyae Phyo Thu  |   Than Nwe Aung


Due to the implicit traits embedded in the language, handling figurative languages appear to be the most trending topics in public opinion mining and social multimedia sentiment analysis. Failures in recognition of these languages can lead to the misrepresentation of actual sentiments, attitudes or opinions person or community try to expose. Satire is a more alive form of figurative communication which intends to criticize someone’s behavior and ridicule it. This work proposes the POS level emotion-based features by using the emotion lexicon SenticNet and VADER. It is approached as a classification problem by applying a supervised machine learning algorithm: Random Forest. The system can tackle the problem of high bias error in both long text and short text datasets with 83% to 89% accuracy whereas the BOW gives high accuracy but cannot handle the problem of high bias error in satirical language processing.

Date:   1st December, 2018 | International Journal of Computer Science and Network( IJCSN), Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2018 | Weblink

Phyu Phyu Khaing  | May The` Yu


Image annotation is generating the human-understandable natural language sentence for images. Annotating the image with sentence is one kind of the computer vision process that includes in the artificial intelligence. Annotation is working by combining computer vision and natural language processing. In image annotation, there are two types: sentence based annotation and single word annotation. Deep learning can get the more accurate sentence for the image. This paper is the survey for image annotation that applied the deep learning model. This discusses existing methods, technical difficulty, popular datasets, evaluation metrics that mostly used for image annotation.

Date: 30th March, 2019 | International Journal of Computer (IJC),  Vol 32 No 1 (2019) | Weblink

Phyu Phyu Khaing  | May The` Yu


Image captioning is the description generated from images. Generating the caption of an image is one part of computer vision or image processing from artificial intelligence (AI). Image captioning is also the bridge between the vision process and natural language process. In image captioning, there are two parts: sentence based generation and single word generation. Deep Learning has become the main driver of many new applications and is also much more accessible in terms of the learning curve. Image captioning by applying deep learning model can enhance the description accuracy. Attention mechanisms are the upward trend in the model of deep learning for image caption generation. This paper proposes the comparative study for attention-based deep learning model for image captioning. This presents the basic analyzing techniques for performance, advantages, and weakness. This also discusses the datasets for image captioning and the evaluation metrics to test the accuracy.

Date: 8th June, 2019 | International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), IJIGSP Vol. 11,PP.1-8, ISSN: 2074-9074 (Print), ISSN: 2074-9082 (Online) | Weblink

Myat Su Oo May The` Yu


Accurate vehicle detection or classification plays an important role for self-driving cars. Objects classification and detection can be used in various such as Robotics, Medical Diagnosis, Safety, Industrial Inspection and Automation, Human Computer Interface, Advanced Driver Assistance System and Information Retrieval. In this article, we investigated the methods of detection and classification in context images and videos. SIFT, HOG, SVM, CNN, faster RCNN and YOLO methods are reviewed to detect and recognize the objects. The paper aims to know the methods that detect the obstacles on the way to reduce the traffic accidents. We summarize the results, faster-RCNN is better than the other methods for real-time citing the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods.

Date: 1st April, 2019  International Journal of Computer (IJC) (ISSN 2307-4523) , Jordan, 2019, Vol 32, No 1 (2019) April, Page 73-82 | Weblink

Myat Su Oo May The` Yu


Research in advanced driver help machine (ADAS) is a vital step towards accomplishing the intention of the autonomous smart automobile. ADAS is the machine to help the driver inside the using technique due to the fact maximum road injuries took place due to human blunders. Vehicle detection and distance estimation is a crucial solution for ADAS. This paper aims to reduce traffic accidents on the road using computer vision technologies and to implement the driver assistance system. In this paper, firstly, this system inputs the video and segments the videos as the frames. After segmenting the images, vehicle detection results are represented. In the experiments, own datasets are created by capturing videos in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar and detection results are described.

Date:   25th July, 2019 American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology,  and Sciences  (ASRJETS)  | Weblink

Phyu Myo Thwe May The` Yu


Hand gesture recognition is used enormously in the recent years for interact human and machine. There are many type of gestures such as arm, hand, face and many other but hand gestures give more meaningful information than other types of gestures. There are many techniques for hand gesture recognition, such as color marker approach, vision-based approach, glove-based approach and depth-based approach. The main purpose of gesture recognition system is to develop a useful system which can recognize human hand gestures and used them to control electronic devices. This paper reviewed the most common used hand gesture recognition methods, tools and analysis the strength and weakness of these methods, and lists the current challenging problems of hand gesture recognition system.

Date:  1st April, 2019 International  Journal of Computer(IJC) ,Jordan, 2019, ISSN 2307-4523 (print &Online), Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 64-72 | Weblink

Phyu Myo Thwe May The` Yu


The hand gesture recognition system is the hottest topic for the human-machine interaction and computer vision fields. The hand gesture recognition system is still a challenging research area in computer vision for human-computer interaction because of various device conditions, various illumination effects, and very complex background. The recognition of hand gestures used in various application areas: such as sign language recognition, man-machine interaction, human-robot interaction, and intelligent device control and many other application areas. The robust detection of hand in hand gesture recognition system has become a challenging task due to clutter background, dynamic background, and various illumination conditions in real-world conditions. Segmentation is the partioning/separating the foreground hand region from the background region in an image. Segmentation is also pre-processing steps of the hand gesture recognition system. The recognition accuracy will increase if the hand region correctly detected. So, hand region detection is the main important step for the hand gesture recognition system.

Date: 8th September, 2019 International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), Hong Kong, 2019, Volume 11, No-9, pp. 25-33 | Weblink

Chit Su Hlaing  | Sai Maung Maung Zaw


We introduce a set of statistical features and propose the SIFT texture feature’s descriptor model on statistical image processing. The proposed feature is applied to plant disease classification with PlantVillage image dataset. The input is plant leaf image taken by phone camera whereas the output is the plant disease name. The input image is preprocessed to remove background. The SIFT features are extracted from the preprocessed image. As a main contribution, the extracted SIFT features are model by Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) Distribution to represent an image information in a small number of dimensions. We focus on the statistical feature and model-based texture features to minimize the computational time and complexity of phone image processing. The propose features aim to be significantly reduced in computational time for plant disease recognition for mobile phone. The experimental result shows that the proposed features can compare with other previous statistical features and can also distinguish between six tomato diseases, including Leaf Mold, Septoria Leaf Spot, Two Spotted Spider Mite, Late Blight, Bacterial Spot and Target Spot.

Date: 18th – 20th December, 2017 |18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) | Weblink

Chit Su Hlaing  | Sai Maung Maung Zaw


The current focus of our research is to detect and classify the plant disease in agricultural domain, by implementing image processing techniques. We aim to propose an innovative set of statistical texture features for classification of plant diseases images of leaves. The input images are taken by various mobile cameras. The Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features used as texture feature and it is invariant to scaling, rotation, noise and illumination. But the exact mathematical model of SIFT texture descriptor is too complex and take high computing time in training and classification. The model-based statistical features are calculated from SIFT descriptor to represent the features of an image in a small number of dimensions. We derive texture information probability density function called Generalized Pareto Distributions from SIFT texture feature. The main focus of our proposed feature is to reduce computational cost of mobile devices. In our experiment, 10-Fold cross validation with SVM classifiers are applied to show that our experiment has no data bias and exclude theoretically derived values.

Date:  24th – 27th October, 2017 | IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2017) | Weblink

Chit Su Hlaing  | Sai Maung Maung Zaw


Plant disease classification is essential for food productivity and disease diagnosis in agricultural domain. The probability distribution and statistical properties are essential in image processing to define the features of typical image. The general usage of (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) SIFT has local feature extraction and global feature extraction (bag-Of-Features approach) for classification, and its classification result for unknown data also depends on code book (global feature) generation. Instead of using bag-Of- Feature approach, we proposed to apply Beta probability distribution model for SIFT to be directly represent the image information and then formed SIFT-Beta. The color statistics feature is extracted from RGB color space and then combines with SIFTBeta to produce proposed features. The proposed feature is applied in Support Vector Machine classifier. The classifier  is trained for seven labels of tomato with six diseases and healthy.

Date:  27th February, 2019 | Seventeenth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2019) | Weblink

Chit Su Hlaing  | Sai Maung Maung Zaw


Plant disease classification has been associated with the production of essential food crops and human society. In this paper, we classify tomato plant disease using two different features: texture and color. For a texture feature, we extract statistical texture information (shape, scale and location) of an image from Scale invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) feature. As a main contribution, a new approach is introduced to model the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) texture feature by Johnson SB distribution for statistical texture information of an image. The moment method is used to estimate the parameters of Johnson SB distribution. The mathematical representation of SIFT feature is matrix representation and too complex to be applied in image classification. Therefore, we propose a new statistical feature to represent the image in few numbers of dimensions. For a color feature, we extract statistical color information of an image from RGB color channel. The color statistics feature is the combination of mean, standard deviation and moments from degree three to five for each RGB color channel. Our proposed feature is a combination of statistical texture and color features to classify tomato plant disease. The experimental performance on PlantVillage database is compared with state-of-art feature vectors to highlight the advantages of the proposed feature.

Date:  6th -8th  June, 2018 | 17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2018, Singapore,  IEEE Computer Society 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-5892-5 | Weblink

Aye Min  |  Nu War


The detection of brain cancer without human interfering is a major problem in the domain of medicinal image processing. The segmentation of brain images of MRI is a technique used as a first step to extract different characteristics of these images for analysis, appreciative and understanding. The main function of brain segmentation by MRI is to detect the type of brain abnormality. Many segmentation techniques are proposed in the literature. In this comparative paper, we will discuss the behaviors of tested segmentation methods. Otsu thresholding, Region growing, Particle swarm optimization and Interactive graph cut segmentation methods are analyzed and compared in this paper. After segmented with these methods, the morphological operation is used to get exact shape and size of tumors. As a benchmark dataset, BRATS dataset is used to test segmentation results.

Date:  27th February, 2019 | 17th International Conference on Computer Applications, Yangon, Myanmar (ICCA) | Weblink

Aye Min  | Zin Mar Kyu


With advanced imaging techniques, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) plays an important role in medical environments to create high quality images contained in the human organs. In the processing of medical images, medical images are coordinated by different types of noise. It is very important to acquire accurate images and observe specific applications with precision. Currently, eliminating noise from medical images is a very difficult problem in the field of medical image processing. In this document, three types of noise, Gaussian noise, and salt & pepper noise, uniform noise are tested and the tested variances of Gaussian noise and uniform noise are 0.02 and 10 respectively. We analyze the kernel value or the window size of the medium filter and the Wiener filter. All experimental results are tested on MRI images of the BRATS data set, the DICOM data set and TCIA data set. MRI brain images are obtained from the BRATS data set and the DICOM data set, the MRI bone images are obtained from the TCIA data set. The quality of the output image is measured by statistical measurements, such as the peak signal noise ratio ( PSNR) and the root mean square error (RMSE).

Date:  22nd February, 2018 |16th International Conference on Computer Applications, Yangon, Myanmar (ICCA) | Weblink

Aye Min  | Zin Mar Kyu


Brain tumor is the abnormal growth of cancerous cells in Brain. The development of automated methods for segmenting brain tumors remains one of the most difficult tasks in medical data processing. Accurate segmentation can improve diagnosis, such as evaluating tumor volume. However, manual segmentation in magnetic resonance data is a laborious task. The main problem to detect brain tumors is less precise to determine the area of the tumor and determine the segmentation accuracy of the tumor. The system proposed the fusion based results binding for MRI image enhancement and combination of adaptive K-means clustering and morphological operation for tumor segmentation. BRATS multimodal images of brain tumor Segmentation Benchmark dataset was used in experiment testing.

Date: 18th December, 2017 | Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Vol. 3, No. 6, 339-346 (2018) | Weblink

Aye Min  | Zin Mar Kyu


Brain tumor is the abnormal growth of cancerous cells in Brain. In medical field, segmentation of brain regions and detection of brain tumor are very challenging tasks because of its complex structure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides the detailed information about brain anatomy. Proper brain tumor segmentation using MR brain images helps in identifying exact size and shape of Brain tumor, this intern helps in diagnosis and treatment of brain tumor. However, manual segmentation in magnetic resonance data is a time-consuming task and is still being difficult to detect brain tumor area in MRI. The main challenges of brain tumor detection are less of accuracy to detect tumor area and to segment the tumor area. The system proposed the results fusion method for image enhancement and combination of adaptive k-means clustering and morphological operation for tumor segmentation. All of the experimental results will be tested on BRATS multimodal images of brain tumor Segmentation Benchmark dataset.

Date: 18th December, 2017 | 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Zin Mar Kyu


This paper presents a system for Myanmar text extraction and recognition from warning signboard images taken by a mobile phone camera. Camera captured natural images have numerous difficulties compared to the traditional scanned documents. Common problems for camera captured text extraction are variations in font style, size, color orientation, illumination condition as well as the complex background. In this system, color enhancement process is performed to distinguish the foreground text and background color. Color enhanced images are converted into binary images using color threshold range. The detected non-text objects are removed as clearly as possible using width, high, aspect ratio and object region area threshold. In the segmentation process, horizontal projection profile, vertical projection profile and bounding box are used for line segmentation and character segmentation. To recognize the above segmented Myanmar characters, blocking based pixel count and eight-direction chain codes features are proposed. In this system, characters are classified by feature based approach of template matching method by using the proposed features. In this paper, dynamic blocking based pixel count, eight-direction chain codes features and geographic features are used to correctly recognize Myanmar characters.

Date: 1st August, 2018 | International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2018 ISSN 2250-3153 | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Zin Mar Kyu


This paper presents a very simple and efficient method for the text extraction and recognition of the Myanmar text from color natural signboard images taken by a mobile phone camera. Text extraction, line segmentation, character segmentation and recognition are the important steps in text understanding from natural signboard images. In this system, the color enhancement is firstly processed to overcome various illumination conditions. Background noises on the binary images are removed by four filtering features such as color threshold based filtering, aspect ratio based filtering, boundary based filtering and region area based filtering. After removing the noise, line segmentation and character segmentation are done. Horizontal projection profile is used for line segmentation and vertical projection profile and bounding box methods are used to segment the characters. These connected component characters are recognized by using 4×4 blocks based pixel density and total chain codes, 4-rows based pixel density, 4-columns based pixel density and count of eight directions chain code on the whole character image and on each block of character image. This system is investigated by feature based approach of template matching, and 83.15% character recognition accuracy is achieved on 2854 correctly extracted characters from 150 camera-captured Myanmar warning signboards.

Date: 6th June, 2018 | IEEE/ACIS 17th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS) | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Zin Mar Kyu


This paper publicizes the character segmentation and recognition of the Myanmar warning text signboard images taken by a mobile phone camera in natural scene. In this system, two templates are created. The first template that contains both connected pixel words and characters are used for character segmentation and the second template that contains only the connected pixel characters are used for character classification. Color enhancement process is first performed to extract the text regions. By preprocessing the color enhancement, the system can overcome the some illumination conditions. To remove the background noises on the binary images, color threshold based filtering, aspect ratio based filtering, boundary based filtering and region area
based filtering techniques are used. As a next step, line segmentation and character segmentation are done. Line segmentation is performed using horizontal projection profile and character segmentation is done using vertical projection profile and bounding box methods. In the character segmentation process, template matching method is used by training connected pixel words. These connected component characters are recognized using 4 × 4 blocks based pixel density and total chain codes, four rowsbased pixel density, four columns-based pixel density and count of eight directions chain code on the whole character image and on each block of character image. This system is investigated by feature-based approach of template matching on 160 cameracaptured Myanmar warning signboards.

Date: 1st April, 2019 | International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing Vol. 7(2); April (2019), pp. 59–67 | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Zin Mar Kyu


Character recognition is the process of converting a text image file into editable and searchable text file. Feature Extraction is the heart of any character recognition system. The character recognition rate may be low or high depending on the extracted features. In the proposed paper, 25 features for one character are used in character recognition. Basically, there are three steps of character recognition such as character segmentation, feature extraction and classification. In segmentation step, horizontal cropping method is used for line segmentation and vertical cropping method is used for character segmentation. In the Feature extraction step, features are extracted in two ways. The first way is that the 8 features are extracted from the entire input character using eight direction chain code frequency extraction. The second way is that the input character is divided into 16 blocks. For each block, although 8 feature values are obtained through eight-direction chain code frequency extraction method, we define the sum of these 8 feature values as a feature for one block. Therefore, 16 features are extracted from that 16 blocks in the second way. We use the number of holes feature to cluster the similar characters. We can recognize the almost Myanmar common characters with various font sizes by using these features. All these 25 features are used in both training part and testing part. In the classification step, the characters are classified by matching the all features of input character with already trained features of characters.

Date: 1st November, 2017 | International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering Vol:11, No:11, 2017 | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Zin Mar Kyu


In any country, warning text is described on the signboards or wall papers to follow by everybody. This paper present Myanmar character recognition from various warning text signboards using block based pixel count and eight-directions chain code. Character recognition is the process of converting a printed or typewritten or handwritten text image file into editable and searchable text file. In this system, the characters on the warning signboard images are recognized using the hybrid eight direction chain code features and 16-blocks based pixel count features. Basically, there are three steps of character recognition such as character segmentation, feature extraction and classification. In segmentation step, horizontal cropping method is used for line segmentation, vertically cropping method and bounding box is used for connected component character segmentation. In the classification step, the performance accuracy is measured by two ways such as KNN (K’s Nearest Neivour) classifier and feature based approach of template matching on 150 warning text signboard images.

Date:  1st August, 2018 | International Journal of Research and Engineering ISSN: 2348-7860 (O), 2348-7852 (P) ,Vol. 5 No. 8, August 2018, PP. 480-485 | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Zin Mar Kyu


Character recognition is the process of converting a text image file into editable and searchable text file. Basically, there are three steps of character recognition such as character segmentation, feature extraction and classification. This paper mainly focus on the Myanmar character segmentation. Character segmentation is a vital area of research for optical character recognition. In this paper, the incoming text based images are segmented into lines, words and characters. Horizontal cropping is used for line segmentation and vertical cropping is used for vertically non-touching word and character segmentation. In a Myanmar compound word, there are one basic character and one or more extended characters. These basic character and extended characters may be connected or not according to the typing style or font style and Myanmar script nature. Therefore, it is difficult to segment these connected characters into individual characters. To solve this problem, we use block based pixel count and aspect ratio. This system can segment both touching characters and non-touching characters in text line image. Features are extracted from this segmenting characters. These individual characters are classified using eight directions chain code features and block based pixel count. Finally, the recognized text image is converted into editable text. In this paper, 92 characters in Myanmar script (34 consonants, 13 dependent vowels, 12 independent vowels, 1 punctuation mark, 10 digits, 8 medial, 5 compound medial, 3 tone characters and 6 compound words) are trained and different test line images that contain various words and characters are tested.

Date:  1st October, 2017 | 27th International Conference on Computer Theory and Application. 2017 | Weblink

Kyi Pyar Zaw | Nu War


This paper publicizes the touching character segmentation and recognition for the Myanmar warning text signboards. In the touching character segmentation step of this system, pixel connected component characters are extracted using connected component (CC) labeling with bounding box process. This system firstly search location zone of bounding box characters using minimum y-position and high features. This system develops a touching character segmentation technique that segment the Myanmar touching characters based on zone location. This segmentation technique uses the existing features such as number of holes, end points, horizontal black stroke count, vertical black stroke count, pixel count and the new features such as upper and lower sub-components in two horizontal zones, left and right sub-components in two vertical zones, end point existed zones. These features are further used in classification of segmented Myanmar characters. The system investigated on three types of datasets. First dataset includes 101 printed warning sign images. Second dataset includes 45 handwritten warning sign images that manually resized with various ranges based on visual font size, font style and number of text. The remaining dataset includes 152 real worlds Warning Sign Images (WSI) that automatically resized into 480×640 from 3120×4160 resolution and 640×480 form 4160×3120 resolution.

Date:  29th May, 2019 | 17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2019, May 29-31), pp 76-83, ISBN: 978–1–7281–0798–1 | Weblink

 Yu Mon Aye | Sint Sint Aung


Nowadays, users’ desire reviews and online blogs sites to purchase the products. With the rapid grown in social networks, the online services are gradually more being used by online society to share their sight, opinion, feelings and incident about a particular product or event. Therefore, customer reviews are considered as a significant resource of information in Sentiment Analysis (SA) applications for decision making of economic. Sentiment analysis is a language processing task which is used to detect opinion articulated in online reviews to classify it into different polarity. Most of resources for sentiment analysis are built for English than other language. To overcome this problem, we propose the sentiment analysis for Myanmar language by considering intensifier and objective words to enhance sentiment classification for food and restaurant domain. This paper aims to overcome the language specific problem and to enhance the sentiment classification for informal text. We address lexicon-based sentiment analysis to enhance the sentiment analysis for Myanmar text reviews and show that the enhancement of sentiment classification improves the prediction accuracy.

Date:  13th June, 2018 16th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA). IEEE, 2018   | Weblink

 Yu Mon Aye | Sint Sint Aung


Social media has just become as an influential with the rapidly growing popularity of online customers reviews available in social sites by using informal languages and emoticons. These reviews are very helpful for new customers and for decision making process. Sentiment analysis is to state the feelings, opinions about people’s reviews together with sentiment. Most of researchers applied sentiment analysis for English Language. There is no research efforts have sought to provide sentiment analysis of Myanmar text. To tackle this problem, we propose the resource of Myanmar Language for mining food and restaurants’ reviews. This paper aims to build language resource to overcome the language specific problem and opinion word extraction for Myanmar text reviews of consumers. We address dictionary based approach of lexicon-based sentiment analysis for analysis of opinion word extraction in food and restaurants domain. This research assesses the challenges and problem faced in sentiment analysis of Myanmar Language area for future.

Date:  1st May, 2018  International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) | Weblink

 Yu Mon Aye | Sint Sint Aung


Internet users are rapid increase in online review sites. Customer’s reviews and comments on the web are an important information source. Therefore, knowing about these comments and reviews with their opinions is important for quality control to the business management. Opinions contain positive and negative opinions which containing likes and dislikes public generated content about products, services and politics. Subjectivity analysis is to state the feelings, opinions about people’s reviews together with sentiment. Most of researchers develop subjectivity and sentiment classification about English Language. There are no any resources for Myanmar language of subjectivity/ sentiment analysis. To overcome this problem, this paper proposed subjectivity/ sentiment analysis of Myanmar language for formal and informal restaurant reviews by using the lexicon based sentiment analysis. This research evaluates the challenges and language problem faced in subjectivity analysis of Myanmar text area for future.

Date:  1st November, 2018 32nd International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA), At Seville, Spain, Volume: ISBN: 978-0-9998551-1-9 pp. 76-87 | Weblink

 Myat Su Wai | Sint Sint Aung


Ontologies are set to play a vital role in the Semantic Web, e-Commerce, Bio-informatics, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and many other areas by providing a source of shared and precisely defined terms. Ontology is a formal representation of a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts. There are several types of ontology and ontology markup languages. Domain ontologies are reusable vocabularies of the concepts within the domain and their relationships. Domain ontology may also be used to define the domain. When data is marked up using ontologies, software agents can better understand the semantics and therefore more intelligently locate and integrate data for a wide variety of tasks. Many research areas have been increased about ontology, ontology mapping and ontology markup languages. In this paper, we study on several types of ontology markup languages for building domain ontology with example domain.

Date:  5th February, 2015 13th International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA 2015) | Weblink

 Myat Su Wai | Sint Sint Aung


Due to the rapid expansion of the internet, business through e-commerce has become popular. Many products are being sold on the internet and the merchants selling the products ask their customers to write reviews about the products that they have purchased. Opinion mining and sentiment classification are not only technically challenging because of the need for natural language processing, but also very useful in practice. In this study, ontology based compararive sentence and relation mining for sentiment classification in mobile phone (product) reviews are studied. POS taggers are used to tag sentiment words in the input sentences. In this study, Naive Bayes classifier is also used for sentiment classification. Moreover, the comparison between with ontology and without ontology are aiso described. This study is very useful for manufacturers and customers in E-commerce Sites, Review Sites, Blog etc.

Date: 26th August, 2015 International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing,Advanced in Artificial Intelligence vol 2, ISBN 978-3-319-23207-2 (e-book), 2015, pp.439-446, Yangon, Myanmar.  | Weblink

Kay Thinzar Phu  | Lwin Lwin Oo


This paper proposes an efficient feature points for traffic sign recognition (TSR) system. This system composed of adaptive thresholding method based on RGB color detection, shape validation, feature extraction and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). There are some important issues for real-time TSR system such as; lighting conditions, faded color traffic signs and weather conditions. The proposed adaptive thresholding method overcomes various illumination and poor contrast color. Features play main role in TSR system. The significant feature points such as termination points, bifurcation points and crossing points are proposed. This proposes feature points provide good accuracy in TSR system. Lastly ANFIS is used to recognize the proposed feature points. This system showed that this proposed method can achieve cloudy and drizzle rain condition. In this system, this proposed method is used to evaluate on Myanmar Traffic Sign data.

Date: 1st June, 2019 | International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2018: Computer and Information Science pp 141-153 | Weblink

Kay Thinzar Phu  | Lwin Lwin Oo


The reliable traffic sign detection provides to achieve performance in traffic sign recognition. Features representation is an important factor for TSDR system. The purpose of this research is to propose an adaptive threshold method based on RGB color for detection and extracting new feature points for traffic sign recognition. In this system, the RGB color based adaptive threshold method is used to detect red, blue and yellow traffic signs. Output traffic signs perform shape verification. Second, new feature points are extracted from the verified image, such as centroid point, end point, and branch point. Finally, ANFIS is used to identify the process. This system uses Myanmar Traffic Sign dataset.

Date: 22nd February, 2018| Sixteenth International Conference On Computer Applications (ICCA 2018) | Weblink

Kay Thinzar Phu  | Lwin Lwin Oo


The selection of features is an important element in image processing. The important features make it possible to obtain good performances in the recognition of traffic signals. This paper presents the significant features points for traffic sign recognition. As a difficult research problem for many years, the recognition of road signs suffers from the different illuminations. The aim of the proposed research is to develop TSDR system under lighting changes in real time. This system proposes RGB color thresholding for traffic signs detection and new significant features points (crossing points, termination point and bifurcation point) are proposed. The features points are recognized with Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) system. This system provides good results under sunny, cloudy, drizzle rain weather and uses Myanmar Traffic Sign dataset.

Date: 29th -31th May, 2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) | Weblink

Mie Mie Oo  | Lwin Lwin Oo


The task of labelling the audio sample in outdoor condition or indoor condition is called Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC). The ASC use acoustic information to imply about the context of the recorded environment. Since ASC can only applied in indoor environment in real world, a new set of strategies and classification techniques are required to consider for outdoor environment. In this paper, we present the comparative study of different machine learning classifiers with Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) feature. We used DCASE Challenge 2016 dataset to show the properties of machine learning classifiers. There are several classifiers to address the ASC task. In this paper, we compare the properties of different classifiers: K-nearest neighbours (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (ID3) and Linear Discriminant Analysis by using MFCC feature. The best of classification methodology and feature extraction are essential for ASC task. In this comparative study, we extract MFCC feature from acoustic scene audio and then extracted feature is applied in different classifiers to know the advantages of classifiers for MFCC feature. This paper also proposed the MFCC-moment feature for ASC task by considering the statistical moment information of MFCC feature.

Date:  1st July, 2018 International Journal of Research and Engineering (IJRE 2018) India,ISSN: 2348-7860 (O) | 2348-7852 (P) | Vol. 5 No. 7 | July 2018 | PP. 439-444 | Weblink

Mie Mie Oo  | Lwin Lwin Oo


Acoustic scene classification (ASC) is an important problem of computational auditory scene analysis. The proposed feature is extracted from the fusion of the Log-Mel Spectrogram (LMS) and the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for the acoustic scene classification. LMS of the input audio file is calculated and then GLCM feature is extracted from LMS to detect the changes of audio signal in time and frequency domain. Multi-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) trains this feature in order to categorize the type of environment for audio input files. The main contribution of this paper is to extract the effective feature from the combination of signal processing approach and image processing approach. The purpose of this feature is to reduce computational time for classification. This system uses Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2016) challenges to show the robustness of the proposed feature.

Date:   1st May, 2019  Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications. Springer, Cham, 2019. Print ISBN 978-3-030-24343-2 .Vol 845. pp 175-187 | Weblink